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SMTP Setup

What is SMTP?

According to Wikipedia

The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is an internet standard communication protocol for electronic mail transmission. Mail servers and other message transfer agents use SMTP to send and receive mail messages.

Across the entire application, We have created many email templates like Account Verification email, Job Post Approval, Candidate Applied, and many more!

To send all the necessary emails, we need an Email Delivery service. Jobpilot uses SMTP for sending emails. Some of the popular SMTP Email Delivery Companies

  1. Amazon SES
  2. Mailtrap
  3. Mailgun
  4. Postmark
  5. Sendmail
  6. Sengrid
  7. Gmail
  8. cPanel

In short, it is used to send emails to your site users..!! You can use any email delivery platform as long as it supports SMTP.

How to Enable?

  • To enable, Go to Admin Panel -> SMTP Config
  • Add the SMTP details and hit Update!

You can test the configuration by sending a test email from the same page. Also, you can use this tool to test your SMTP credentials

Or use .env file

Or use /.env file to update the SMTP credentials

  • Login to your FTP account.
  • Open and Edit the .env file.
  • Copy and paste your server SMTP details into the file.

It will look something like this.


1. How to get Amazon SES SMTP Credentials?

  1. Create to your AWS account. (Create Account)
  2. Go to Services -> Simple Email Service
  3. Click on SMTP Settings from the left sidebar.
  4. Click on Create My SMTP Credentials button.
  5. Choose a username and click on Create button.
  6. Copy the SMTP Credentials and paste it in your .env file or Admin Panel -> SMTP Config.

2. How to get Mailtrap SMTP Credentials?

  1. Create to your Mailtrap account. (Create Account)
  2. Go to SMTP Settings from the left sidebar.
  3. Copy the SMTP Credentials and paste it in your .env file or Admin Panel -> SMTP Config .

3. How to get Mailgun SMTP Credentials?

  1. Create to your Mailgun account. (Create Account)
  2. Go to Sending -> Domain
  3. Click on Manage SMTP Credentials button.
  4. Choose a username and click on Create button.
  5. Copy the SMTP Credentials and paste it in your .env file or Admin Panel -> SMTP Config.

4. How to get Postmark SMTP Credentials?

  1. Create to your Postmark account. (Create Account)
  2. Go to Settings -> Credentials
  3. Click on Generate SMTP Credentials button.
  4. Choose a username and click on Create button.
  5. Copy the SMTP Credentials and paste it in your .env file or Admin Panel  -> SMTP Config.

5. How to get Sendmail SMTP Credentials?

  1. Create to your Sendmail account. (Create Account)
  2. Go to SMTP & API -> SMTP
  3. Click on Create a SMTP account button.
  4. Choose a username and click on Create button.
  5. Copy the SMTP Credentials and paste it in your .env file or Admin Panel  -> SMTP Config.

6. How to get Sendgrid SMTP Credentials?

  1. Create to your Sendgrid account. (Create Account)
  2. Go to Settings -> API Keys
  3. Click on Create API Key button.
  4. Choose a username and click on Create & View button.
  5. Copy the SMTP Credentials and paste it in your .env file or Admin Panel  -> SMTP Config.

Please note that some hosting providers blocks port 25 or 465 in that case you have to change your SMTP email server or contact your hosting provider

NOTE: The /.env file settings override those of the admin panel.

Note: Don’t forget to change your sender email address in your SMTP Settings page -> Mail From Address to match it with an allowed email address of your SMTP server.

7. How to get Gmail SMTP Credentials?

  1. Create to your Gmail account. (Create Account)
  2. Go to Settings -> See all settings -> Accounts and Import -> Other Google Account settings
  3. Click on Security from the left sidebar.
  4. Click on Less secure app access and turn it on.
  5. Go to Settings -> See all settings -> Accounts and Import -> Other Google Account settings
  6. Click on Apps with account access from the left sidebar.
  7. Click on Manage apps and click on Allow less secure apps: ON button.
  8. Copy the SMTP Credentials and paste it in your .env file or Admin Panel -> Settings -> SMTP.

Note: Don’t forget to change your sender email address in your SMTP Settings page -> Mail From Address to match it with an allowed email address of your SMTP server.


8. How to get cPanel SMTP Credentials?

  1. Login to your cPanel account.
  2. Go to Email -> Email Accountssmtp
  3. Click on Create button.smtp-1
  4. Choose a username, password and click on Create button.smtp-2
  5. Go to Email -> Email Accounts and click on Connect Devices button.smtp-3.png
  6. Copy the SMTP Credentials and paste it in your .env file or Admin Panel  -> SMTP Config.smtp-4